A Message From Eagle Spirit

I just finished a beautiful trip up to the Interior. 
I am so incredibly blessed to do the work that I do.  Really I am.  I am grateful for all the opportunities. 
I am finally embracing who I am and what my purpose is. There is a certain freedom that comes to you when you see clearly the light ahead of you.  When you know and understand that the path that you are choosing (because let's be honest you have to choose the path) is not only the right path for you but for all around you as well!
And that's an interesting thought as well, no?  How does my path affect those around me?  And I'm referencing my personal path.  How I engage and how I project is my personal responsibility.  The freedom I feel these days is something that is a little unfamiliar.  A little off course for me as an empath and medium.  I am shown so many paths and I want to explore and define each and everyone of them Spiritually (for...
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Honouring Your Light

It is nearing the Summer Solstice and even my Faery Guides are looking for drastic change in the energetic levels here on the Earth Realm!  I feel through my work with Spirit that we need to address ourselves first and foremost.  Because isn't it through our own work, lessons, thought processes that we are able to shine brightly for others?
Spirituality is a constant shifting and changing.  We never truly release everything nor do we manage to manifest everything that we need in our lives so we need to look at the amount of time that we are spending doing the constant shift and change work and take a moment to sit back and just celebrate where we have come from and where we are at!
That self celebration is empowering all on its own!  The ability to assess our own experiences and the good that has come from them is inspirational and further motivating.  But it can also simply just be enough.  And why shouldn't it be?  
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Spring has really Sprung!

May is always the month that I feel Spring has really Sprung! The growth is in full swing and we are all undergoing change, knowingly or unknowingly, but it is happening. We are already heading into the Summer Solstice and with that comes further expansion of who we are and what we are really creating.
After channeling Ebrahim's message above I got to thinking about all the good work that each of us do out in this world for others and sometimes (not nearly enough ) for ourselves.  We, as Spirit's having this human experience, are natural born seekers that sometimes fall to the comfortable ease of just being OKAY.  Not great.  Not fantastic.  Just okay.  And I don't think being just OKAY is ENOUGH.
I feel that Spirit gives us plenty of opportunities to realign ourselves, to grow, develop and learn and for those that see these opportunities the potential for enlightenment is huge not only for ourselves but for those around...
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Send everyone Love and Light

Happy April Beautiful Friends! 

I want to share a discussion I had with a student of mine the other day.  I truthfully try very hard to not allow political or religious conversations to be had on client time as I find it generally leads to unhealthy debate more often than not!  Having said that, I did know where this particular beautiful soul stood on such subjects and I knew that we would have to agree to disagree and I most certainly don't judge her stands as I know her t be a beautiful soul but I knew better to discuss them as I am a Scorpio and we all know it would turn into my trying to convince her I was in the right etc. etc. LOL.

In the course of our conversation something did come up in terms of politics and I made a comment to which I can't recall clearly but to the effect of that I don't pay any attention to the best of my ability to political leaders, wars, conspiracy theories etc.  I give it no energy because we as a...

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Sunshine and Happiness. Spring is about to be Sprung!

As Spring is about to be Sprung (lol) I am called to the thought patterns of letting go because there is so much more to be had.  Spirit has been reminding me that we must always make space for the new as it has to have someplace to set itself up for success!  2023 has always been the year that I grow leaps and bounds and I set that intention early in 2022 when I found myself questioning the paths I was on and who was on those paths with me.  Although we all would like to see things come to us with ease, I am no longer afraid of the hard work and therefore the hard work is no longer hard!  Why does that feel like a piece of a puzzle that has been missing for so long?  I feel like that has been my personal missing link.  Not everything has to be complicated and I have an amazing Spirit Team that guides me every single day! 
The greatest gift I received was from a beautiful soul mentor that has since crossed over who when I sat...
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2022 Reflections

As I sit here and write this, I think of all the amazing things that I have accomplished over the last year.  Both in Business and my personal life.  The amount of work that goes into running a business that is meant for all can most definitely be consuming but it is without a doubt one of the most rewarding things in my life!  
I am so truly grateful for all the people that I get to meet and spend time with.  That I can help guide too loved ones and to new paths.  For the individuals that trust me with their intention and intuitive growth and self-empowerment gains.  There is nothing I would rather do as my life's work!  In 2022 I stopped thinking I should and I did!  I hired not one but two additional Spirit Essence Team Members and now we are getting things done!  It's time to stop being small - Spirit has so much to offer and I know I'm the right vessel because I trust.  100% I trust...
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Happy Holidays - Merry Christmas to All. Including me!

Happy Holidays / Merry Christmas to All.  Including me!
It doesn't matter to me what you celebrate this time of year!  How you bring forth the festivities is yours and yours alone.  But if you are not including yourself in your celebrations in a meaningful way, you are missing out on some of the most important reflections you can have about yourself AND others!
What I do want to do is recognize all the emotions associated with this time of year.  The scale of emotions is so vast and can be so consuming whether you are sitting in sadness and sorrow or joy and happiness.
This time of year I celebrate so much!  I celebrate family, friends, clients but it has only been within the last two years that I have actually come to the realization that I need to celebrate myself as well.  When I sat back in reflection I was surprised to realize just how little time I gave to myself.  That most of what I focused on was...
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I'm Rooting for You

I'm Rooting for You.
Inside each of us we want to excel.  Do better.  Be better.  When our energy becomes stagnant we generally stop the thought process of I am and instead fall into the sense of loss that I hear so often.  Let me say this with my whole chest!  I am your biggest fan.  I will always see the best in you even when you don't.  I will always champion your cause and help you find the tools you need to make this happen if you let me.  I will never judge you if you choose not to follow Spirit's words but Spirit and I will always show you that there is another way.  This is my promise to you.  And so it is.  
I did a post a few weeks back in the Collective (if you aren't a part of the collective what in the doodles are you waiting for lol) and I asked this "If you could ask Spirit one question what would it be?"  I was absolutely stunned at how many...
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Welcome to September! 

As we head into Fall (my absolute favorite Season of the year!) I have been contemplating what it really is that I am trying to accomplish with my Spiritual work.  How am I blending everything that I believe, that I feel with being of service to others and am I ultimately reaching those that I am meant to reach?
As much as I personally cringe at spending more than 5 minutes in meditation, I have been focusing on a new type of meditation for me.  One where I feel as though I am truly in a mindful state and capable of hearing what is being said.  And that state for me is when I am in a conscious state of trance with pen in hand and journal open.
It is here that I am recognizing who I am and that I don't fit into everyone else's mold and nor should I want too.  I don't want to me you and you most certainly don't want to be me lol.  We all have our list of flaws of character that we are consciously or subconsciously working through.  I've been...
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The Work That We Do

Hey friends!  Welcome to August's Blog and it's a doozy!  I was driving back from a client's private party and I was thinking about all the obstacles that we place in front of ourselves when it comes to looking after ourselves.  To find our perfect balance (actually screw that!  There is no perfect balance - let's just take any balance).   Sometimes the obstacles are big like mountains and other times small like mole hills.  But they are obstacles just the same that we don't need in our lives....or do we???
Here it is.  The mindset of everything is a lesson in truth.  Straight up, undeniable truth.  Everything that we do, experience, achieve, conquer however you look at it is something that enlightens us and clears a path to the next part of our journeys.  Everything that we experience, the good, the bad and the ugly has purpose.
  I believe that we (in our human state) spend too much time...
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𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐔𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐞-𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤!

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛!